The Netherlands
The Netherlands
Bordered in the North and West to the North Sea, in the East to Germany and in the South to Belgium, The Netherlands or sometimes referred to as “Holland” is located centrally in Europe and is a low-lying country, which means the majority of the country lies below sea level. In fact a large part of the country has been reclaimed from water. With 41.543 km2 and over 17 million inhabitants, Netherlands is the most populated and diverse country in Europe. As they say “Flat as a pancake” (the highest point of Netherlands is only 323mtr high) and known for its windmills, flowers, cheese and wooden clugs, Dutch are proud of their heritage, but actually the country has a lot more to offer.
The whole country from one side to the another can be crossed in maybe maximum 4 hours and there are many very beautiful sceneries, variating from nice forests, beautiful landscapes, but also modern and diverse cities influenced by many cultures. In the Netherlands, there is something for anyone’s taste.
The Netherlands
The Dutch favorite means of transport is the bicycle, there is even more bicycles then people and many cities know special bike paths where only cyclist are allowed to peddle on. However the Netherlands has a perfect infrastructure, you can travel almost anywhere via road, rail or waterway. Each town, city or village is connected by either rail, bus, metro and/or tram.
The country also have a great waterway system that with it’s rivers connect far into Europe, some cities, as amongst others our capital Amsterdam and the port of Rotterdam (Gateway of Europe) offers public transport via water as well.
The Dutch itself are often referred to as direct people.. we simply would like to call it honesty and openness. We have a saying, “doe maar normaal, dan doe je al gek genoeg”, which means more or less act normal then you are already crazy enough. Especially in Rotterdam which is the port city and in history the city of laborers, you will find this is true as here your actions speak louder than words. (Geen woorden , maar daden = no words, but deeds).
Dutch will appreciate it, if you can say a few words in their language, but don’t worry if you find our language to difficult to pronounce with the hard G’s and rolling R’s, most Dutch will speak English as in school it is usually taught as second language and most TVand radio shows are broad coasted in native languages that is subtitled by Dutch.
The Netherlands is located in a sea climate, during spring, from March to June, the temperatures are moderate and around 20 degrees Celsius. In May we can sometimes have some warm experiences with temperatures arising into the 25 degrees, but always be aware, as we are in sea climate the rains are never far away.. So always bring a jacket or an umbrella! 😉 Of course we hope for sunglasses and caps.
The Netherlands, is a well developed country, it’s standard of life is high. In the bigger cities, you will therefore find almost everything you could need. You can pay almost everywhere with bank or credit cards and an ATM is never far away.
As said Netherlands has so much to offer, history, museum, innovation, attractions, adventures, if you want to extend your stay and do some sight seeing, we highly recommend to see more of our lovely little country! Also be noted, from Amsterdam you can also easily reach other destinations in Europe as well.
If you want to have some more information on our country, please find below some links with funny or interesting information about our country.